Jolteon, known as the Lightning Pokémon, is one of the evolutions of Eevee that is caused by radiation from a Thunderstone. Jolteon is covered with spiky, bright yellow fur, with white spiky fur surrounding its neck. Its fur sparks with electricity constantly; it can be soft to the touch or turn into sharp needles that can be fired when it is angered. Jolteon is able to gather negative ions from the atmosphere, using the resulting electricity to create lightning bolts of up to 10,000 volts. Its individual cells also create small electrical charges on their own, which can result in powerful electric-type attacks. It is very sensitive, which causes it to constantly charge as it quickly changes moods.

Jolteon first appeared in the anime in The Battling Eevee Brothers, under the ownership of Sparky. In Get Along, Little Pokémon, Ethan used a Jolteon as a sheep dog of sorts. Whenever any of Ethan's Magnemite tried to escape, Jolteon would use Thunder Wave to lure them back. Jolteon was also seen under the ownership of one of the Kimono Sisters in Trouble's Brewing and Espeon Not Included. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Red temporarily controls a Jolteon, which is actually his Eevee switching between its evolved forms.

IGN called Jolteon one of the best Electric types, alongisde Zapdos, commenting that it is the best Eevee evolution "hands down."