Umbreon, known as the Moonlight Pokémon, evolves from Eevee when it has gained a complete trust of its trainer at night. Just like Espeon, Umbreon is also based on Japanese mythology, the moon rabbit. It has the generic feline like body common for all the other evolutions of Eevee, with a pair of crimson cat eyes and yellow bands on its ears and tail. Umbreon's forehead and legs have yellow rings on them, that resemble the symbol of eclipse, they are said to glow at night. Umbreon can spray a poisonous sweat whenever it gets agitated. Despite its appearance, Umbreon is a Pokémon of strong endurance. Eevee evolves into Umbreon by having a high happiness level and leveling up during the night. Umbreon tend to be found in dark areas such as thick forests, but are most commonly found under the care of people. Umbreons English name comes from UMBRA, the darkest part of an eclipse, followed by eon, as of all other evolutions of Eevee. According to IGN, the origin for Umbreon's name comes from the Latin word for shadow, "umbral".